
Thank you for taking the time to read what I write! I hope some one out there can relate...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Little Life Lessons

1) Claiming that you are brutally honest is not excuse to be a total dick.
2) Avoiding a person is not a good way to indicate that you aren't interested. Its just rude.
3) Sticking your hands down a strangers pants in public is unacceptable.
4) Receiving, but never giving in return, is selfish.
5) If you walk away from someone, stay gone. Coming and going from a person's life is hurtful.
6) When others are talking, don't start formulating your response while they are still taking. If you are doing that, you're no giving them your full attention.
7) Eyes. Look at them when you speak to me and not my boobs.
8) Ladies, just because I talk to your man doesn't mean I want to bang him. Really.
9) If you don't want/can't afford children, don't have them. Birth control is cheaper.

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