
Thank you for taking the time to read what I write! I hope some one out there can relate...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Migraines: The Silent Thief

If you've never suffered from a migraine, you may not know how devastating they can be. Maybe you think its just a headache... but you're wrong.  Migraines have slowly stolen my life from me and I'm no closer to managing the pain than I was when they started almost 3 years ago.

I've tried so many things to get rid of this pain.  I no longer eat ice cream or put ice in my drinks because anything too cold can trigger a migraine. I can't wear hats, headbands, or clips in my hair because the pressure is often a trigger.  No artificial sweeteners, no long hair, no running.  Migraines have stolen my social life because bright lights, loud noises, and smoky atmospheres cause me pain.  I've lost friends and lovers because they didn't understand why I had to cancel on them, that this isn't just a headache...  I've had to adjust my diet and my workouts so as not to cause a migraine. I can't watch 3d movies. I can't wear my contacts for more than 6 hours. I can't spend too much time in the sun.

I'm constantly taking pills, jotting in my migraine journal, shading my eyes from the sun, and always drinking water. I have doctor appointments and chiro appointments, referrals and tests. I worry that its a tumor, I worry that I'll have to deal with this for the rest of my life... Every day when I fall asleep, I hope tomorrow wil be pain free.

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